I have this crazy theory that photography is changed by the speed at which you are transported through it. Put simply if driving in a car I can only see maybe 3% of the possible pictures I would take. If I ride my bike and therefore move more slowly through the particles I can maybe bump that up to 30-40%. But it really isn’t until I walk that I see 100% of the shots I might take on any given day. My hypothesis is that photography on foot is more granular, more detailed, and more thoughtful than anything you can achieve in a car. You move slower and at a pace that can allow creativity. Driving is simply too fast to get good ideas.
This Sunday I decided to park my truck on this project and walk the little town of Ellisburg and see what I could get on foot. I started at this interesting little mechanic shop and I just loved the signage here.
Mamiya 7ii with Panoramic Adapter and Kodak Gold 200 speed film (expired)
Deaf Dog. November 2020