Orange Salamander

Orange Salamander.

December 2024

When I was a kid we had a really long country driveway and in the 80’s and 90’s we got a lot of snow. From what I remember, snow came in on Halloween and didn’t wave goodbye until March. One time it snowed on my birthday in late April.

Life where I lived, when I lived it was pretty boring, the internet wasn’t a thing and we only got about 3 channels on the TV. Sometimes I would get stir crazy at night, and pull on all my clothes and try to shovel the driveway. The snow ate up all the sound and it was quiet and cold but it gave me time to think. Mostly I thought about snow plow contraptions, or better shovel designs.

When my hands got cold, I knew I had lost the fight. Cold and wet hands on the metal shovel almost always signaled it was time to give up. You just can’t work with cold, wet hands. Dad would have to get the rest of the driveway with the big tractor.

In the barn where we kept the tractor was a green salamander heater. Or at least that’s what we called it.  Salamanders look an awful lot like a jet engine missing an airplane. Salamanders are loud and smelly but put out a lot of heat.  If the old tractor wouldn’t start, dad would aim the business end of the salamander at engine block and in a few minutes the tractor was running.

Dad showed me how to carefully put your hands close to the business end of the heater and warm them up. As a kid I learned that too close and you melted your gloves, but if you did it just right, your gloves would soften and feel amazing. Sometimes Dad would hold his bare hands in front of the salamander. When he took his hands away from the heat they would steam in the cold air of the barm. It looked like his hands were on fire and I loved watching that. As I got older, I got brave enough to do it too.

The other night when I was out for a walk with the camera I saw the light pouring out of that shop. I stopped to take a picture and asked myself what my subject was, as I often do, and realized with was that orange salamander. Somewhere inside I wondered if those mechanics, did the same trick with their hands on cold days.